Sunday 9 November 2014

A strange assumption...

Hi everyone, 
Im so sorry its been a while. I've been so busy with school work, I literally haven't even had time for myself. Remember I told you guys I was going to become a clinical embryologist by November? Well, thats what I've been up to. Im here in Mumbai India, just in my last few days of classes, so by next week, Ill be certified.....YAYY!!!

Okay, so I had a very interesting day.  I had an informative discussion with some doctor friends (gynaecologists) from Nigeria, and it was just amazing to listen to their views on issues regarding sex and relationships. They are also trying to branch into infertility and assisted reproduction treatments (ART). But it was so exciting that when it came to the issue of sex, none of them were willing to say much. Those who were, actually said that they don't talk about sex or intercourse with their patients. 
I was shocked. 

It then occurred to me that the issue of sex, intercourse and everything in-between is still very much a "hush hush" topic, even among doctors, who most (patients) consider to be demi-gods. It really blew my mind. But I realised that its probably a cultural thing, which might change "hopefully" in my generation. It even made me want to tow a new career path....Sex therapy!! 

I realised that we can't really discuss infertility and its problems without first talking about good sex, and good sexual practises. It is certainly not the solution to all infertility problems, but its a start. I have seen  patients who just need sexual counselling, and learn a few tricks that spice up their bedrooms and the results are usually a spontaneous pregnancy. Some others come for counselling, get some ovarian stimulation with drugs, and the result is also a spontaneous pregnancy, without the need for ART. So it really surprised me to learn that a number of gynaecologists don't talk about sex with their patients. I wondered if it was because they were shy about the topic or something. But it seemed to be a norm for them. It was quite funny to be because I assumed it would/ should be one of the things they talked about when taking the patients history (clerking). Well, you know what they say about "assuming" huh......makes an Ass of U and Me.

So, I would really love to hear your feedbacks, ideas, comments etc, about what you all think about this topic, and if my assumptions were intact justified. I really enjoy reading your mails and contributions, and some of you have even given me suggestions for new posts, and I promise I would get right on that.

And as always.....LOVE YOURSELF!!!!

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